Category Archives: wedding

1 Year

Yesterday was my and Cameron’s first wedding anniversary. In January we will have our 4th anniversary since first dating. We had a low-key day, since going out of town is not very reasonable for us right now, but it was still fun. He made me breakfast, we sat around and had coffee, watched the early football games, went out to the theater to watch the Broncos game (the historic movie theater here hosts the games each week for $10 with a hot dog/nacho buffet, it’s really fun!), and then had dinner at the Dunraven Inn.

I don’t feel like getting super sappy, so here are pictures instead. That’s more fun, right?

(PS Happy anniversary Cameron!)

Hiking at Garden of the Gods in 2010
Fall 2010
Halloween 2010
In Fort Collins, Christmas 2010
Graduating college in 2011
Goofing around at the New Belgium brewery
Engagement photo from 2011
Bought a house!
Florence and the Machine at Red Rocks….right before I nearly fought this crazy chick who tried to steal our seats…

At the Dole Plantation in Hawaii
My weird, wonderful family.

2012 Highlights

Well, we’ve come to the end of the world the year. The solstice is here and now the world begins to turn back toward the sunlight and the coming of spring. (Which is why I much prefer the notion of today being midwinter instead of the first day of winter!) Guess it’s about time to give a little recap of the year maybe!

2012 came in snowy, cold, and windy here in Estes Park. We spent a lot of time up in the Park snowshoeing and exploring. Here’s the highlights of the year!

In late January, we brought Sherlock home from the shelter.

In early February we went on a short vacation to Ouray (near Telluride) in the San Juans and it was AWESOME! We spent time at the hot springs and we got to go sledding and snow mobiling in the mountains (well, for a little, till Cameron dumped the snow mobile in 16 feet of powder). We also got to go on a zip line! It was so much fun.

Standing on the side of the Million Dollar Highway outside Ouray
Snow Catting in the San Juans before we took the most epic sled ride of our lives

Snowshoeing at Cub Lake

In March, Cameron shaved his head for St. Baldrick’s. Scary!

In July we bought a house! We were able to move from our 600-sq ft cabin into our very first, very own 1600-sq ft house.

Over the summer I got to see Florence and the Machine (birthday gift from Cameron) and Mumford & Sons at Red Rocks Amphitheater. AMAZING.

September brought a trip to Santa Fe to visit the renaissance festival there. One of my favorites!

In October, of course, we ate candy. Just kidding–we got married!

Right after the wedding, I got an offer from a literary agency to represent me and my book.

This year was my first Thanksgiving! It was nummy.

Mom approved.

Some other photo highlights, in no particular order:

Saints versus Broncos

Colorado Renaissance Festival

Hiking Lily Mountain

Christmas cookie party

Home renovations

Playing Lady Macbeth for an acting class (wish I’d gotten to do the whole show)

Samhain festivities

Sugar Skull Dancer and Queen of the Ravens

Singing with the Oratorio Society of Estes Park

My 24th birthday

Cameron’s 29th birthday

Hard to believe that 2013 is already upon us. We are leaving almost immediately as the new year comes in and heading to Hawaii for 3. Whole. Weeks. Good lordy I can’t wait to be a beach bum for a while. We are also hoping that 2013 might include a mini Carruthers joining the family–keep your fingers crossed for us!

What Have I Been Up To

A lot!

Dang, I have been married for 2 weeks! It feels like a long time ago. Last week I was actually really sad that it was over. All that time leading up to it and then it was such a beautiful day and it was over SO fast. I miss it. Not all the stress, but the having the family and friends near…being able to see people I haven’t seen in a long time. It was just a magical couple of days and I really wish I could have that back.

But onwards and upwards, I guess. I have a lot of things on my plate. First off, today I sent out my contract to the literary agency!

Here goes!

Soon I should begin the editing and revision process with my editor. I’m so ready to go. I have no idea what they’re going to want out of me so I’m very anxious to get going. I have to reconfigure my entire schedule around the kind of work they’ll want out of me and I foresee a lot of late nights spent editing. But I couldn’t be more happy about that. This is what I love and I am still in a state of shock that it’s moving forward.

What else. I’ve started running, which is a huge achievement for me because I am a terrible couch potato. I used to not care so much because when I worked in the restaurant I was on my feet and running around like crazy for 8 or 9 hours a day, but now at the bank I’m pretty sedentary and I know that could sneak up on me if I’m not careful. I definitely didn’t do enough before the wedding and I’m a little embarrassed about some of the wedding photos so that kind of bums me out even though there’s nothing I can do to change it. I’m using an iPhone app that takes you from 0-10K through a slow progression. I’m still pretty early on in the process but I’m glad to be doing it. I was originally planning on doing a 10K in December with some girlfriends, but my work schedule intervened and I’ll have to sit that one out, but it’s still a good thing to do for myself to stay healthy especially before I get pregnant.

Lately I’ve been working a lot on making the house feel more homey. We’ve been here for almost 5 months and it still feels….not ours. A house more than a home. So over the weekend I put up shelves in the kitchen and painted a wall in the living room to give it some character. We just got the proofs of the wedding photos and they are GORGEOUS so I can’t wait to have an absolute field day getting some printed and framed. (Speaking of wedding photos we still haven’t developed the disposable cameras we had at all the reception tables, we need to get on that.) Last week we planted some trees in the yard that our next door neighbor was nice enough to give to us. We put two aspens in the backyard and a “Siberian Snow Pea” in the front yard. I put it in quotations because I don’t know if that’s the actual name, that’s what our neighbors kept calling it. Either way we put it in the front because it is thorny and the elk won’t eat it! I organized the kitchen cabinets in an attempt to become less cluttered because that has been a huge challenge for us. I really hate clutter but for some reason it is just so easy to accumulate! Maybe now that the wedding is over and life is kind of “normal” now it might get a little easier. I hope anyway. I know it’s something that we have to work on together and it’s not just going to happen on its own but hopefully with things more organized it’ll be easier. I think my project this weekend will be to tackle the guest room because it looks like a bomb has gone off in there.

Painting the living room–yep that’s the top of the fireplace

Keeping the house clutter-free isn’t the only challenge I’ve had with routines lately. You’d think with me working pretty standard hours it would be easier to have a routine for getting things cleaned, doing the laundry, shopping for groceries, cooking dinner…but for some reason it is really hard. It’s even more hard to fit in things like, writing. I have been much better at keeping a good reading schedule, which is a habit I’ve been sorely remiss on lately. I am plowing my way through A Clash of Kings and this weekend when I accidentally left my book at work I felt really lonely.

Fall is pretty much coming to a fade here in Estes Park. The parking lot grows emptier and emptier every day which means the tourists are heading home (yay!). The weather forecast is calling for some pretty significant snow later this weekend and I am really excited! The trees have almost all dropped their leaves and it looks pretty much like early winter here even though the temperatures are still pretty mild. It’s strange going down the valley because a lot of the trees down there are still green. Such a wide range of stages of fall. Unfortunately we do still have a wildfire happening up here, but it is doing some good as it’s getting rid of a lot of the beetle kill in the higher areas which means we’ll start getting a lot more aspens and new trees up there. It looks bad because of the wind. This is how it looked today when I went to lunch.

From the library

It also looks a lot closer than it is. It’s only 7 miles away but it’s way up in the high terrain so there’s not a whole lot of danger to the city right now.

Welp, I think that about does it for now. Life continues to move forward. I’m excited to see what the next couple of weeks will bring with the agent. I’ll keep you updated!

Till then.

We Did It!

We did it! We got married!


What fun we had. I was concerned about the weather but in hindsight I think it just made it all more memorable. The temperature at the time of the ceremony was roughly 30 degrees and we had snow flurries in the air. As you can see from the picture, I did not have a whole lot on and boy was it cold. But it was worth it. It was great Scottish weather for a Scottish handfasting! The clouds were really low and looked like fog in the distance. As one friend said, the only thing we were missing was heather on the hill! We had a beautiful ceremony full of laughs and tears and memories. It was over so fast (even though it felt like years out there in the cold) and the reception went even faster. That night Cameron and I relaxed at a resort hotel and in the morning we had breakfast and massages followed by lunch at my parents’ house where we visited more with our out of town guests and opened up our gifts. It was a whirlwind weekend and I really wish I could do it all over again, despite all that time I said that I wanted it to just be over.

Now I can’t wait to see all the professional photos. In the meantime, here’s a few that we collected from friends.

Walking the aisle with Dad


Dancing the Macarena
Father Daughter Dance


My best girls

Ooh, I forgot about this part.

Being off the Pill after so many years on it is turning out to be like…going through puberty all over again. Or something. Mostly I forgot what it really feels like to go through these monthly processes. (Procees? Isn’t there another way of saying that? I dunno. It’s Friday and my brain is in hyper-overload and doesn’t have any room left for correct spelling. May my college professors forgive me.)

What I am imagining my ovaries look like right now

I never really had terrible debilitating periods like many women have before I was on the pill. Not like it was a lot of fun, granted, but it could have been worse. Periods on the pill were a breeze. Light cramping about a week out, mild cramps on day one, and then I sailed through the rest of the time. TMI, I know. But whatever. You could have stopped reading a paragraph ago.

Now, though, I’ve been off the Pill for…a week? 2 weeks? I don’t even remember anymore, things have been so crazy. In any case, I know I was “supposed” to ovulate this week and right now my ovaries feel like huge angry balloons. To be honest I don’t remember what a pre-period felt like before I was on the pill, so I don’t remember if this was normal or not, or if it’s a side-effect of the Pill hormones leaving my body, or if it’s something that I should be concerned about. I’m trying not to get worked up about it because I know that I’ve also been incredibly stressed this last week and that is probably contributing now that my body is trying to regulate itself and doesn’t have the help of hormones. So, we’ll see. (Obviously, I know that I should go to the hospital for severe pain or other symptoms, but I’m trying not to jump the gun over something dumb right now.)

Did anyone else out there have similar concerns when you came off the pill? How long were you on it? Did everything normalize for you in a short while or did it take longer? I have no idea what to expect from my body right now especially since my stress level is at roughly a 12 out of 10 the last week or so, and that could really be throwing things out of whack. Better Half is convinced I’m pregnant (for God knows why) and normally I would be paranoid enough to believe him, but I have zero symptoms, so barring the absence of a period in the next 2 weeks, I’m not going to jump the gun there and buy a test. But, all that being said, that’s why I’m coming off the pill now so that my body has a chance to figure itself out by the time we are in Hawaii and start the TTC process in earnest.

In other non-icky-body related news, we are encroaching on 7 days out for the wedding. Holy shit! I think everything is about ready to go. I met with our new photographer yesterday and she seems really nice. We decided to do our formal photos before the ceremony even though I’d been set this whole time on waiting to see each other. I think it’ll just reduce the stress level on both of us, get those pre-jitters out of the way, and we’ll be able to get to the reception faster. Plus we’ll get the awesome “first look” photo op without anyone else there. I think it’ll be great. Also yesterday I dropped off my ring to be cleaned (I hate not having it!), picked up my garter and splurged on some pretty things to put in my hair. My mom and I met at the ceremony site to nail down some places and times for the big day and I also found something for Brody (our dog) to carry the rings in. Oh, and I found some pretty glass bowls on sale (50% off!) at Hobby Lobby for us to put the bubble wands in at the tables.

Oh yeah, and I did this!

Handfasting cords

Way easier than I thought they’d be! I’m really pleased with them. We asked our friend Kyle to tie them for us during the ceremony. Kyle introduced us, so we thought it was appropriate. He was there to see us through the beginning of our relationship, now he’ll see us through to the next part.

Anyway, I think all those little details are finally almost wrapped up. I’m just really eager for the big day to be here.  Can’t come soon enough! This weekend I am going to attempt to clean my house, what with relatives coming next week to stay with us. A very kind and gracious friend (actually, someone I used to work for) is giving me her iPhone 4 when her 5 arrives, which is supposed to be today, so I’m very stoked to be potentially getting a new toy this weekend. I will have plenty enough to keep me occupied until next week.

Till then!

Regarding Bridal Apathy

Okay. In hindsight, I feel bad about feeling apathetic about the wedding.

In the end, everything is just details. When the day comes, I’m going to be beyond excited. I’m already excited. Now that we’re within 2 weeks (or just about) I am getting a bubbly feeling in my stomach when I think about it. This is the day I’m going to share with my best friend, my Better Half, and it’s going to be perfect–even if things go wrong.

At our engagement shoot

I shouldn’t worry so much. I shouldn’t stress so much. It is going to be what it’s going to be and I just have to let it be.

Now that the little things like–how am I going to do my hair? are coming up, I’m feeling excited. I’m ready for this day to be here–we’ve been planning it for 14 months and I am ready to share it with my family and friends. Makes me wish the honeymoon was right away, but in the meantime we do get to stay at a swank resort hotel the night of the wedding and have massages and breakfast the next morning!

I still have a few things to do, like…make the handfasting cords. Yeep. (And decide who’s going to tie them….) Get my bridesmaid’s gifts. It would be so much easier to do some of the last minute things I need to do if I lived in civilization and had things readily available. Instead, it’s a struggle of “I need to go to Michaels. Do I have 3 hours today to go down the valley? No.” So I have to put things off until I have almost an entire day to spend. Luckily I have a day off next week plus the weekend to get some things done. I also only have to work Monday and Tuesday the week of the wedding, so that should be enough time.

Oh yeah, and I still have to write my vows. Whoops. They’ve been bouncing around in my head for weeks now and I just haven’t had time to write them down. Bad Steph. Luckily, the ceremony has been written, our readers have been chosen, and the program has been typed–now I just need to figure out how best to print them. I think that about wraps it up. I think.

15 more days!


Does Life Ever Slow Down?

Oh. My. Goodness.

Since when did life get so crazy? Has it always been like this? Or is it the fact that the wedding is 18 days away and therefore makes everything else just completely insane?

I feel pretty bad about neglecting to write even the smallest update over the last few weeks. It has been hard enough to find time to make it upstairs to my office to find my credit card bill, let alone sit down and form coherent blog!thoughts. So here’s a couple brief recaps.

My new job: I really love my new job at the bank. The hours are great, the stress is virtually nil, and at the end of the day I get to come home and cook dinner for Better Half. The people are nice and helpful and I actually came back from our recent mini vacation wanting to go back to work.

Mumford & Sons at Red Rocks: Have you seen the music video for M&S’s new song “I Will Wait?” Yep, I’m in that, somewhere. My brother and I got to go to Red Rocks and see them live which was a blast. I am so excited for the new album to come out.

My Manuscript and The Agent: Still nothing back from the agent who is perusing my manuscript. I’m inside the window now, which means I panic every time I open my email. Hoping it will be this week.

Longs Peak Scottish-Irish Highland Festival: The crowning festival of the summer season here in Estes Park. I believe it’s the largest Scot/Irish Fest in the country. For an entire weekend hundreds (if not thousands) of Scots and Scot/Irish enthusiasts flock to Estes to celebrate. Which is awesome for me, because I happen to love a man in a kilt. I’m also Scottish on my mother’s side and will be by marriage, so it’s pretty cool to have a bit of my own cultural heritage right here in my town. There’s a massive parade with pipe bands and clans and dogs and dancing girls and it’s just a lot of fun. I even got Better Half to wear his kilt. At the end of the festival I was pretty sunburnt, but I did have a good time.


Trip to NYC: Last weekend we got to go on a trip to New York. Unfortunately, the reason we went is because we had to go to Better Half’s mother’s funeral. She passed in March but several of his family members were in Europe during the spring and summer so this was the first opportunity the family had to all be there together. However, we did get to spend two nights in New York City, where I had never been despite living in Syracuse when I was a kid. That was pretty exciting. Better Half’s cousin took us out to the Seaport and we got to see the harbor and the Freedom Tower. We also got to scoot north to western Massachusetts and see some family of mine that I haven’t seen in years (and most of whom are not able to come to the wedding), so that was really nice. We spent the rest of the time in Wurtsboro which is near Monticello, and is where Better Half grew up. The funeral was there and afterward we had a get together with all his family (most of whom are also not coming to the wedding) so it was nice to be able to meet his other side of the family. It’s really beautiful country up there and sometimes I miss it, but I was definitely eager to get back to my mountains. The pace of the city is crazy! Give me my mountain quiet any day.

The wedding: Oh, right. The wedding. Is there a term for the bride who is the opposite of the bridezilla? Apathetic Bride? Not quite the same ring, is it. Anyway, I am definitely feeling the wedding stress. At this point I’m willing to just crawl under a rock until the day comes because it seems like every day there is something else that needs to be fixed or changed or figured out. A couple of weeks ago we received the estimate for the cost of the reception rentals (tent, tables, chairs, the lot) and it along with the food doubled our budget. My parents are gracefully paying for this thing and I was not willing to let them do that, so back to the drawing board it was. We had planned to have the reception on the ranch right after the ceremony, thinking it would save money by not having to rent a venue, but we were dead wrong. So we eventually found a place that happens to be right down the road from the ceremony site that is way cheaper. On top of all that I feel like there’s a huge laundry list of things that still need to be done–probably bigger in my head I know–but in the end I’m just ready for this day to be here and have it over with. A lot of times I think it might have been easier to just elope or go to the courthouse. I love Better Half and I know that nothing is going to change once we get married so there’s no real sense in being this stressed out about a single day in our lives. But, ah well. I know it will be great once it gets here. Everyone keeps asking me if I’m excited yet and I don’t actually feel excited. I just hope it’ll hit soon because I want to be excited.

In any case, that’s about it for now. This weekend I’m going to Santa Fe for a rensaissance festival, which I’m really stoked for. I’ve missed the last 2 years of this wonderful event so I’m really glad my schedule worked out for it this year. It’ll be nice to have a chance to blow off some wedding steam for the weekend.

Till then!