It’s On

It being a new Two Week Wait. Oh joy. I’m cautiously optimistic this month as I started temping and used an OPK and everything happened as it should have (My temp jumped .4 degrees this morning so I’m fairly confident something happened), so my fingers are crossed that we might have gotten our timing down this time. Now that I’ve been doing BBT and OPK (TTC is so full of abbreviations, isn’t it?) I can tell how off we had been the last couple months, aided none at all by a certain iPhone app that had my ovulation date at nearly a week off when it should have been. So, these next couple of weeks will be an exercise in not going too crazy and not getting too stressed either.

Thank goodness I finally have the book to concentrate on.

2 thoughts on “It’s On”

  1. My fingers are crossed for you too!! I knew immediately when I was pregnant because I had been charting. It was an “uh oh” moment haha. But she was planned, don’t worry. I tested at 10 dpo.

    1. Yeah I am hoping that with the charting I’ll have some idea (I.e. if temp stays high) before I test because the two week waiting period sucks!! I’m so impatient haha.

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